Electromagnetic eddy current braking control cabin
Electromagnetic eddy current braking control cabinet is a new type auxiliary braking method, short for eddy current braking. It uses electromagnetic induction principle to perform non-wear braking with characteristics of large kinetic movement and long life and convenient operation and maintenance, etc. Application of eddy current braking can greatly reduce of wear of brake block, prolong use life of brake hub, and reduce labor strength of driller operator so that main brake is not used when operators drill down. Braking torque is adjusted through transformation of electromagnetic current so as to control downward speed of drill stem.
System composition: power transformer, DC module, relay, fault testing board, resistance
- ÉÏһƪ£ºROSS HILL SCR DC control module
- ÏÂһƪ£ºDynamic braking (DWDB) cabinet