ROSS HILL Excitation circuit board
Main functions:
Convert AC voltage that the generator produces to DC voltage needed by generator excitation machine. The board consists of two rectifier circuits: One is bridge rectifier and the other is silicon controlled rectifier. And both are automatically conversable.
When generator starts, bridge rectifier circuit can rapidly build voltage for generator without requiring externally connected battery box accessory due to low remnant voltage of generator.
When voltage of generator rises up to a certain voltage, silicon controlled rectifier circuit will automatically replace bridge rectifier circuit seamlessly to ensure safe and reliable excitation circuit of generator.
When generator operates normally, the voltage of generator that internal loop that constitutes closed-loop control with AC module maintains is 600V AC.
When load of generator set changes suddenly, it constitutes a external loop with AC module to stably regulate exciting voltage for rapid restoring voltage set-point.
- ÉÏһƪ£ºROSS HILL Ground fault circuit board
- ÏÂһƪ£ºROSS HILL Power limit box